Building technologies are evolving, codes are getting tighter, customer values include more than just the bottom line, and the workforce needs to catch up--and stay caught up. The Lab has great education and resources for you, but no one entity can do it all. Luckily, Building Potential's Smart Buildings Center, UW's Integrated Design Lab, and BPA's Comfort Ready Home offer unique education and services that complement what the Lab delivers. We're excited to have them come share how they can help meet your needs.

Seattle's Smart Buildings Center is home to a huge tool lending library of diagnostic and monitoring tools, educational programming, and rentable room space for trainings and meetings. Melissa will present details about the Smart Buildings Center's mission and more on their offerings, including the Building Operator Certification program and the helpdesks available for WA Clean Buildings and Seattle Benchmarking compliance. 

The Integrated Design Lab, part of the Center for Integrated Design within the Department of Architecture in the College of Built Environments at UW, provides regional design teams access to the best building-performance knowledge available, project-by-project support, and education and training on how to design, construct and operate the healthiest, most productive and energy efficient buildings in North America. Chris Meek will share details about how they deliver this mission and highlight a new partnership with Pacific Northwest Building Training and Assessment Center.

Bonneville Power Administration’s Comfort Ready Home Program links residential contractors and utility program staff with education (including hands-on opportunities), marketing toolkits, customized support, and a ton of readily available resources in English and Spanish. Cyrus Collins, Program Manager Comfort Ready Home, will provide an overview of the program, how it can benefit both new and experienced workforce, and how to access marketing materials and in-person support.


Smart Buildings Center:

  • Smart Buildings Center's mission and who it serves
  • How to use the Tool Lending Library
  • Who to contact with questions around WA Clean Buildings compliance

Integrated Design Lab:

  • What is the IDL
  • Recent IDL projects and initiatives
  • Who uses the IDL
  • How the partnership with PNW BTAC benefits the workforce
  • Who to contact for project support

Comfort Ready Home:

  • Comfort Ready Home overview and Support for Contractors and Utilities
  • An overview of no-cost tools and resources available
  • Who to contact to get hands-on training or customized support



  • Building designers
  • Building owners
  • Building operators/engineers
  • Facility managers
  • Energy efficiency industry members
  • Energy managers,
  • Resource conservation managers,
  • Energy auditors,
  • Commissioning agents,
  • Qualified persons handling CBPS compliance submittals
  • Contractors serving residential customers in HVAC, weatherization, and heat pump water heaters
  • Utility staff, especially managing energy efficiency programs