April May

Don’t Be Burned by Boiler Decarb Retrofits
Tue, Apr 01 | 10am-11am | FREE | Online only

Stet Sandborn, AIA, FASHRAE, will present on strategies to right size all-electric retrofits, including make-ready steps to avoid unnecessary costs and delivery challenges. Stet will use real world examples of projects undergoing retrofits and share the lessons learned. He will also share out key technical resources that are now available to dive beyond the hype and deliver high-quality, high-performance retrofits that will actually achieve decarbonization goals.

2021 Energy Code Update Series – Service Water Heating
Thu, Apr 17 | 10am-11:30am | FREE | Online only

The April 17th webinar will cover water heating provisions of the 2021 Seattle and Washington state energy codes for commercial and multifamily buildings, highlighting requirements that are new or changed from the early code drafts, and the differences between the Seattle and state codes. Discussion topics will include the new “fossil fuel compliance path,” Appendix M pipe sizing, post-occupancy commissioning, options for replacement of existing water heating equipment, C406 credits for advanced hot water systems, pipe insulation, and smoothing your plumbing permitting process, followed by time for Q&A.

2021 Energy Code Update Series – Alterations
Thu, May 15 | 10am-11:30am | FREE | Online only

This 90-minute webinar on May 15 will summarize the “alterations” requirements of the Seattle and Washington state energy codes and offer suggestions for potential design solutions. It will provide an overview of the alterations provisions of Chapter 5, with a special focus on replacing existing gas or electric resistance space heating and water heating systems with heat pump systems. Alterations to envelope, lighting, electrical, metering, and HVAC systems will also be covered, as well as Seattle’s “substantial alterations” rules. The webinar will conclude with a substantial Q&A period for discussion of specific applications.