
It Takes a Village: Learn How Some of Our Partners Can Advance Your Knowledge and Get Your Projects on the Right Track

Tuesday, March 11
Building technologies are evolving, codes are getting tighter, customer values include more than just the bottom line, and the workforce needs to catch up--and stay caught up. The Lab has great education and resources for you, but no one entity can do it all. Luckily, Building Potential's Smart Buildings Center, UW's Integrated Design Lab, and BPA's Comfort Ready Home offer unique education and services that complement what the Lab delivers. We're excited to have them come share how they can help meet your needs.


Lessons Learned on Commercial Hot Water Heat Pump Installations

Thursday, February 27
This presentation will cover the lessons learned from 5 years of commercial hot water heat pump installations. Nyle has supplied equipment for several projects in the region and worked with different designers. Come and learn what is working.

Lighting & Electrical Issues in 2021 WA & Seattle Commercial Energy Codes

Thursday, February 20
Overview of the lighting and electrical provisions in the 2021 Washington state and Seattle commercial energy codes, both now in effect, with emphasis on provisions that are new or that were changed from last year’s initial drafts.


Save On Refrigeration – How to Optimize Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration

Tuesday, January 28
Learn how to optimize refrigeration system operations to save money, improve efficiency and increase reliability.

Envelope Issues in 2021 WA & Seattle Commercial Energy Codes

Thursday, January 23
Overview of the envelope provisions in the 2021 Washington state and Seattle commercial energy codes


Iron Battery Technology Potential: Two Companies Describe Their Merits

Friday, December 13
As utilities like Seattle City Light look toward years of projected load growth and more renewable resources enter the grid, the use of batteries will be an important factor to help control costs, increase reliability, and improve service. This webinar will feature two companies working on iron battery technologies, Form Energy & ESS. Each will discuss their use cases and where and how they can most advantageously be applied.


Building Rating Systems: The Certifications Shaping Our Built Environment

Tuesday, November 19
A high-level introduction to the industry-standard and industry-leading rating systems and certifications for the built environment. We will take a deep-dive into the rating systems most applicable and in-demand in the Pacific Northwest market, with project examples and case studies supporting their successful implementation.

Window Installed, Saddle Mounted, Cold Climate Heat Pumps – What Are They?

Thursday, November 7
These new products provide cost effective, efficient, portable heating & cooling in a new package format. No holes in building, or mounting pads outside are needed. Similar to old-fashioned window AC units, these are self-contained and don't need a professional to install. These Heat Pumps are a replacement for electric baseboards, Cadet style wall mounted heaters, and window mounted air conditioners. It's everything in one unit. These are ideal for multi-family retrofits, hotel rooms, dorms and other spaces. Multiple units can be used for larger residences. 


Measurement & Verification Resources for BPA Utility Programs

Tuesday, October 29
***First hour was not recorded, but the handout has what Todd presented.

Powering Your Building: The Role of Electrification in Optimizing Building Operations

Thursday, October 17

Net Zero with Mike Dieterich

Thursday, October 10


Act Now -- Last Chance on City Light Incentives Sunsetting at Year End!

Tuesday, September 17

Best Practices for Navigating City Light’s Incentive Processes

Thursday, September 12


179D Today and Tomorrow: The Future of Green Building Tax Incentives

Friday, May 3


HVAC’s Role in Electrification Roadmaps

Thursday, April 18

Take Control and Save Money with Seattle City Light's HVAC Controls Upgrade Incentives

Thursday, April 4


Delivering High Performance Using Very High Efficiency DOAS Systems

Thursday, March 28

Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater System Considerations in a Nut Shell

Thursday, March 14


Building Electrification and Decarbonization

Thursday, February 29

Improving Energy Performance and Achieving Decarb Goals With US DOE’s 50001 Ready™ and Superior Energy Performance 50001™

Thursday, February 15

SEM – Fundamentals of Strategic Energy Management and What It Can Do For You and Your Facility

Tuesday, February 13

Seattle’s Brand New Building Emissions Performance Standard -- What You Need to Know Now

Thursday, February 1


Residential Load Calculation Fundamentals and Insights (Manual J) and Equipment Selection (Manual S)

Thursday, January 18


C-PACER – Financing for Building Electrification, GHG Reduction, and Resiliency Improvements

Thursday, December 7


Lighting Retrofits & Audits With an Overview of LLLC Basics

Thursday, November 30
