Evan Green, Research Engineer at Ecotope, will present what he and his team have learned while designing, monitoring, and modelling commercial heat pump water heater systems over the last 15 years. The discussion will include what makes up a CHPWH system (spoiler: it’s more than just a heat pump), why these systems are necessary, and the main points to keep in mind when designing or overseeing a CHPWH system installation. Main design considerations to be discussed will include:
- how the CHPWH system can be packaged, delivered and setup at the site,
- heat pump water heater (HPWH) types,
- heat pump and storage sizing,
- how to select the best CHPWH system piping configuration for your application.
What will be learned
- What defines a CHPWH system
- Why use CHPWHs
- CHPWH system delivery & setup methods
- Types of CHPWHs: single pass, multi pass, and unitary
- Managing the hot water circulation efficiently
- CHPWH system sizing
AWHI Newsletter Commercial — Advanced Water Heating Initiative
Design Guide for Central Heat Pump Water Heaters
Suggested audience
- Commercial plumbing and mechanical engineers and installers
- Utility program administrators
- Architects
- Building owners & managers looking to upgrade
- Anyone interested in learning about CHPWHs